I was thinking about a writers group I attend and the minor matter that one person hates blogs while another has convinced a number of us to start blogs. I was thinking we should probably get the anti-blogger give us his reasons and then be done with it. As that conversation was going along in my mind, I went down a weird side road about their relative credibility to us since the person who likes blogs is a long-standing member of the group and a successful writer while the other person is a novice.
The weird side road looked like this:
While some of us are wallowing in whatever about trying to be successful writers, he’s already done it. It’s like a kitchen that he’s already gone into, made coffee, fixed his eggs, bacon, toast, taken them to the table, eaten, picked up the dishes and put them in a dishwasher, poured himself a second cup and is standing there with the mug patiently coaxing an angst-y clutch of us to come in, that he already got a coffee mug out for us.
And I keep freaking out because there’s a barrier there, and what if I... [insert idiotic blithering and emotional baggage here] and he keeps saying, “No, no, it’s a baby gate. You can easily step over it. Or do what I do, use the little latchy-thingy to open it. Either way, you can do this.”
I go back to whining and crying in self-doubt but I’m beginning to have a second conversation behind that one. What if he's right and it is a manageable simple thing? And, crap, I’d look foolish standing at a baby gate stymied. And how long do I plan to stand here looking foolish?
Hopefully, I’ll have the good sense to step over and he will hand me some coffee and say, “See, all better now.” And I’ll shrug off the stupidity, and it will be all better.
P.S. Reading this blog does qualify you for a passport stamp on kimworld, which I believe is in the Galaxy of Thar, or maybe it’s at the other side of the black hole in Thar’s center... hmmm.... I’ll have to check.
P.P.S If you have no idea what the last comment was about, don’t worry, you’re probably better off not knowing.
heart factory
1 week ago
hmm, good thoughts on moving forward. Been thinking about taking a step myself. You've provoked deeper thought in my wee brain.
Not sure of the exchange between the blog-hater and the others but your post reminded me of the guy in the OT who complained because he didn't like what Elisha told him to do to be healed. (2 Kings 5)
You can do this! It's mind over matter. You write what's on your mind, it don't matter what anybody says.
Don't worry Kim we'll stick it out together and trample down our doubts. You write beautifully and with an elegance that is who you are. It will be o.k.
P.S. I happen to love Kim world.
K.L. Knight
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